Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Women and Men - Yeast Infection

Article by Michael Saizu

Identifying Penile Yeast Infection

Men are not as affected by yeast infections as girls are but they can still get infected in the penis. It can be just as uncomfortable when it happens and symptoms to look for are soreness, irritation, and the tip of the penis becoming itchy. When searching at photos of the infection visible are redness, blisters that are red or white, and at the head some bumps. Men tend to get a penile yeast infection from having intercourse with an infected female partner and not employing condoms.

Identifying Vaginal Yeast Infection

Over three quarters of women have to face this at some point in their lives. Symptoms are comparable to the male infection and contain, itching, burning, discomfort, and a vaginal odor. Searching at an infection you can see redness of the vulva, swelling, and a cottage cheese like discharge. Female causes incorporate hormonal change times such as menopause, pregnancy and menstruation. Birth control pills and antibiotics are also causes as is diet plan.

Identifying Oral Yeast Infection

This affects the mouth but can go deeper sometimes to the throat. Symptoms consist of sores inside the mouth or white lesions. They are discovered normally on the inside of the cheeks and the tongue. When looking at an infection it looks like a white filmy coating on those areas. There may also be peeling red patches. In circumstances that are more severe your esophagus can become infected too.

Treating any form of yeast infection is about educating yourself. By understanding about what are the underlying causes you can treat not just that outbreak, but prevent it from ever reoccurring. You need never face that humiliation and discomfort again, you can get control back over your body. Over the counter strategies tend to treat your symptoms not that root problem. Home remedies are a excellent alternative since they are simple to get, some are already in your kitchen cupboards, and they are much safer. When you have dealt with the cause and discovered a natural treatment that works for you you will feel more energized and healthier overall.

About the Author

To discover a reliable yeast infection cure, just pay a visit to our website. Today's unique: yeast infection symptoms.

thrushsymptoms.101how.com for a lot more info about yeast infections symptoms, yeast infection cause, & yeast infection photos
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